The Black Panther synodontis is a hybrid. BioAquatix has been carefullly working on selecting favorable traits from multiple synodontis species to acquire a very Dark body with white edge fins and black spots scattered over their body giving it is unique dark coloration. This catfish gets to grow to 4 inches and is very active during the day following a period of adaptation. This fish requires some hiding places to thrive; they will have a tendency to hide if the tank is too bright. This is a peaceful fish which gets along well peacefull community and also with more aggressive fish such as cichlids.
Aquarium bred and raised
Purchase Size:1.5"
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Hi Everyone, this is just a heads up, i still will be closing chop, hopefully will be out of fish withing January, There is still fish and plants to move, but limited, if orders dont go out during December 16th week I will ship after Christmas and next year, as long as weather permits. I will fulfill all obligation before closing, it was fun, 35 years of this is enough, Thanks to all. Andres

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