Subwassertang (Round Pellia) has a translucent green thalloid and feels and looks like seaweed. The thalloids grows in a nice stratified pattern once established on hard surface such as driftwood or rocks.
You can simply place Subwassertang at the bottom of the tank or tie it to a driftwood/rock and let it grow. It will cover the entire piece of wood and rock over time. This plant creates lots of surface area for shrimp to forage and hang on too.
This plant is easy to grow and care for, it is an excellent beginner’s plant.
Purchase Portion size : 2.5 oz cup
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Hi Everyone, this is just a heads up, i still will be closing chop, hopefully will be out of fish withing January, There is still fish and plants to move, but limited, if orders dont go out during December 16th week I will ship after Christmas and next year, as long as weather permits. I will fulfill all obligation before closing, it was fun, 35 years of this is enough, Thanks to all. Andres
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