Lamprologus Congoensis is an active, riverine cichlid from the Congo, Africa. This fish has an elongate body, with a large caudal fin, is the fish hops aroumd the bottom like a goby, they are grey/brown with spangling in the body, they are medium agressive, do not get much bigger than 4.5". Females are slightly smaller than the males. This fish is not a picky eater; they will eat all foods, such as flakes, pellets, frozen and live. It will also do well in aquarium of 30 gallon and up. This fish is social and prefer to be in a small group of 6 or more. They need plenty of hiding places, such as cave and shells; they spend a lot of time digging sand and gravel around their cave and shell. The require a ph of 7.5 and up to do well, so crush coral and the use of hard water is recommended. They adapt to a wide range of temperature, 75F to 85F is fine. The will do well with cichlids such as neolamp. brichardi, daffodil, leleupi, geophagus cichlids, plecos and synodontis.
Aquarium bred and raised
Purchase Size: 3"-4"
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Hi Everyone, this is just a heads up, i still will be closing chop, hopefully will be out of fish withing January, There is still fish and plants to move, but limited, if orders dont go out during December 16th week I will ship after Christmas and next year, as long as weather permits. I will fulfill all obligation before closing, it was fun, 35 years of this is enough, Thanks to all. Andres

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