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The Amazon Sword plant (Echinodorus amazonicus) has arrow shaped bright green leaves, It is a well known tall aquarium plant.  Therefore better suited as a background plant that will add a nice bright green background to a planted aquarium.


It is an easy plant to maintain, but grows tall in the aquarium. It requires a moderate level of light of 2 to 3 watts per gallon provided by a full spectrum light.This species will propagate is by side shoots, rhizome division or a new plant will form at the end of one of its old leaves.  Just separate the new plant and re-plant. 


All plants are sensitive to copper, the Amazon Sword is no exception.  Be aware about the type of medication you are introducing to the aquarium, especially chemicals to control snails infestation, those are usually copper based and should not be added to a planted aquarium.


This plant will benefits from the additions of CO2 and fertilizers.

Optimal Water Conditions: 72-82° F, KH 3-8, pH 6.5-7.5

Hardiness: Easy

Light Needs: Medium

Plant Structure: Rosette


Purchase Size: 7"-10"

Amazon Sword


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