Shrimp Mix includes, Cherry Red, Orange Sakura, Yellow Fire shrimp, Green Shrimp, Tiger Shrimp, and some Red Rili Shrimp. It is a nice assortment of colors for someone looking to find out what might look good in his aquarium. They readily eat prepared foods and like foraging in an established tank.
All Neocaridina shrimp are easy to care for and will breed easily. They require an aquarium with a dark substrate and a lot of plants and to feel comfortable (Dark sand and dark gravel are ideal) The addition of carotene pigments in their food is recommended. They will spend their time hanging out on plants and forage through the substrate to feed. They are a nice addition to any small aquarium composed of small non-aggressive nano fish.
The ideal condition are temperatures between 70 F and 85 F, Ph between 6.5 and 8.5. Carbonate Hardness (KH) below 8 grains. The KH is particularly important, Neocardinia shrimp do not do well with high carbonate levels in the water, KH will increase with the addition of crushed coral shells or dolomite as a substrate. High carbonate levels will cause shrimp die off over time because it prevents them from molting. General Hardness (GH) between 10 to 20 grains is recommended.
Scientific Name Neocaridina davidi
Family Freshwater Shrimp
Natural origin Taiwan
Origin of this specimen Tank born and raised by bioAquatiX
Generation filial F1-F3
pH range 6.0 to 8.0
Temperature range (°F) 65 to 85: best 78 to 80
Mature length (in a tank) 1 inch
Minimum tank size 1 gallon
Aquarium bred and raised
Purchase Size: 0.5"
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Hi Everyone, this is just a heads up, i still will be closing chop, hopefully will be out of fish withing January, There is still fish and plants to move, but limited, if orders dont go out during December 16th week I will ship after Christmas and next year, as long as weather permits. I will fulfill all obligation before closing, it was fun, 35 years of this is enough, Thanks to all. Andres

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